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Its not surprising for a revolution to arise when oppressors have truly overstepped. In the Philippines, however, a novel entitled Noli Me Tangere is what ignited Filipinos the revolt against the Spaniards. The novel contained symbolism that reflected the society back then. Doña Victorina is a character that symbolized the Filipinos who were ashamed of their own race and ethnicity. More than a hundred years later, not only is the character of Doña Victorina still applicable to varying degrees, but is also seen beyond filipino culture- across many other minorities. This painting depicts Doña Victorina  putting on her “foreign facade.” Until she finds a way to completely and entirely forego the culture and heritage flowing in her veins, she will forever remain “incomplete.”
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"Complicado" was an art piece raffled off for charity. It hopes to reflect the complicated and messy situation of being queer and falling for a straight person.
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Prior to Spanish Colonization, Libulan was known as the Filipino patron god for homosexuality.
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